17 research outputs found

    What ABOUT the book? Google-izing the Catalog with Tables of Contents

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    Digital Collections Master Plan - 2010

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    This is an update to our 2006 master plan for Digital Assets Management

    My First eBook

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    From Collection Analysis, to Reimagined Spaces: How One Collection Management Project Led to Enhanced Student-centered Spaces

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    In October 2017, the CALD (Council of Academic Library Directors) reviewed a proposal for a cooperative approach to managing print collections. One objective in the proposal is to “[a]llow participating libraries to reclaim space for local needs and other purposes that are beneficial for their community members.” As more libraries evaluate their space needs versus maintaining large collections of print materials that are not circulating, this presentation will provide an overview of one academic library’s experience in reclaiming and repurposing space for much-needed teaching as well as learning spaces. This presentation will provide background on our collection analysis project, our original goals, our vision, and how a fortuitous need elsewhere on campus led to the development and completion of an entire new look on the second floor of the DeWitt Wallace Library, Macalester College in less than 8 months. Participants in this session will have an opportunity to imagine a space in their own libraries and identify how they might create “neighborhoods” for development; Neighborhoods being spaces such as those to reflect, tinker, meet, collaborate, learn, and showcase

    Leading Girls in Technology: A Transformative Solution for Libraries

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    Per ALA\u27s Office of Diversity, in 2010 87.2% of librarians identified as white. ALA\u27s Maureen Sullivan adds, To continue to serve the nation\u27s increasingly diverse communities, our libraries and the profession must reflect this diversity...This is a matter of urgency for all of us. Increasing the diversity of our library workforce is paramount to ensuring the best future for our profession and those we serve. To do so, we first need a diverse candidate pool. Attracting people who may not otherwise consider librarianship is the key. To that end, our library has been exploring opportunities to encourage underrepresented populations to engage with technology while at the same exposing them to careers in library science. Come hear about the development and outcomes of our library-hosted, 5-day, affordable, high quality technology day camp for a diverse cohort of young women

    DeWitt Wallace Library Self Study Report 2010

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    Digital Collections Master Plan: Content, Systems, Access and Comprehensive Management Framework

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    This Digital Collections Master Plan is intended to guide the work of creating, collecting and managing digital content such as electronic/digital text, images, and audio/video materials produced by and for Macalester College. This plan is not intended to address issues related to materials that are purchased for the use of the college, but rather addresses the materials produced or published by our own faculty, students, and staff or other individuals who are connected to the college for specific events or teaching purposes. It is imperative that the library focus on local digital collections in order to meet the mission of functioning as a gateway and comprehensive information center in support of research and instruction at Macalester College

    DeWitt Wallace Library Annual Report 2013-2014

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    Summary of library and media services activities for 2013-201

    DeWitt Wallace Library Annual Report 2016-2017

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    Summary of library and media services activities for 2016-201